Monday, November 11, 2019

young governor plugs

wren's a layer
1. "teg" - they felt him cold (tanguy)
and yet stripped of warmth
the ontology still stood
for the romance of collection
and agglutination both joined
in the form of morphology's
shaping and present absense
selvaggia and uccello

total (ripoonachte)
salammbo feast day
using ancient mystery cults
as a primitive fulcrum
or steam pan
machinic whistling herm
presence pondulator agon orrery narrel
monkeys tumbling
through the banquet mound
pled with curly armors
soft jade banana paste
emerging from its

pests or guests (wings)
join around the abscessed gable
table in a horseshoe gyre place
to discuss the uncurling fern
grey the bright and uncertain
the moving cavity iron
roe pleaders plein heir
plaintive windows move
inside the cloak
which shimmers simmers
the protagonist furniture
in the surface
the strange twin topology
of the original sphere cast
and its historically
denuded proscenium
and arriving there at once
the young governor plugs notice
how the jester uses
a soft metallic putty
for a gavel

a wren plucks its navel
for pin flowers: fairy ring armada tips
"we are profend from vegetals"
madhatter returns
to floral arcimboldostein

arranging plane
with ritualized secular movement
manuscript schwob's preface
to imaginary lives

the gull is black and stylized
hanging around
near the ruined gothic arches
beach munching
hyde en bush

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