Tuesday, November 12, 2019

graven epitomancy part 5:

reconnoitering primary substance
(for spencer selby)

their anarchy goes
into the earth
in other ways also
the lines in solvent gas
bring prison bird crown horns
to spring lucifer trees
the water sounds golden
in a string but tattoos pegasus
in an oozing eye
the green clouds of thighs
will groin their beak
for an ave' martini's turkey-lamb
glow globe natural break
its wind typing intergy
fuzzes electric gloves
the bulb of time's graven hollow
for pythag-rhythm-blind
to a human bee monkey muzzle
there arc crackles to an alley
whose grammar supposes tragopan
satyra what justifies in a philosophical
glass firefly drift of hovering grass
scab boules making rules when value
lies valley'd in construction
history lapid tutu totem topiary
their anarchy goes into the other
earth the other goes into
their earth anarchy is entering
the oozing oz quill squalter
a utopian gridlock
votes for now
spiced tar get tar

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.