Monday, November 11, 2019

ton culte est un vertige audacieux

fellini nearly gloomy near the end
once salamander
to the vitelloni sun
what is care to population
and in spite

the lungs of sonoma
where mystery tugged a tufa block
2 little dogs
splashing leconte de lisle
poèmes barbares

nobody would know the lemur
in that area
which rode the feathered horse
with the mask of gold

the thundering whips made only
for the voice in the air which says:
i prefer the salvation of the peoples
than their destruction
or is it rather
balance the nest on your tail
while the mountain parses
its own crumbling

animals must salute
all the varied renderings

in which the memur or lemur
creels in its game
the chatterongery looking
much like a chess
all of sharks' fins
and piglets

which the prophetic archer
aims at the unfortunate diviner
which forges the radius for a point
an effect
which it remembers
in surplus

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