Thursday, January 11, 2018



in blood foam
the mastodon turtle
in the sunken castle
to read all night long
for bubble imp
for oedipus bindu
replicating into
hoary slipknot
the silver whiskey
the mercury bear
whose red snout tentacle
coils the antic
hijinks kunstle

do not feast
the delicate ears
of the svelte woman
whose raised arms and hands
signal across
to the bubble imp valley

the poppy
is a television of cappilaries
engorged with ancient books
they flow slowly
attracting blood foam
until blood foam stars
replicate a lens shell
so that the turtle
is a rope turtle
of constant sluicing

no lame iota
can call its caste
for the castes that are
are of field fires
called 'the mirrored face'
and are a ladle
no two ladles
one hung from each lapel
each stiff lapis lapel
of the lupin lupine canejo
which rides the mastodon turtle
now bubble imp or

'kunstle rising'
or lame' doxa
as shell game

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