Sunday, January 14, 2018

Something seen over Cyzicus..

(but remaining inside)

the lion of vines
has added new pictures
you have new messages
inside the silhouette
of the rummaging tubular meander
the long-wigged camel-faced snake
has laid itself open as a hammock
for the leader of the three crows
who explores the aquatic flächeflasche
of the 3-mind by taking to the sidewalks
in protest before the hounding

they have hounded upon the surface
hounded before their construction
hounded before intention
hounded before inclination
ie construction
they all are hounded before the idol
of construction
and even poets find weeping chee-clox
in the deep purple louge-HOWNJ chairs
of the divan's enfigurating upholsteries
the lion of vines is an oriental tent
of comassis
of the red-lipped skull
whose bone is shit brown
of the red-eyed skull
whose eye-mash is grass green
of the shit brown skull that points
like a bony burned out tree finger
at the armless purple silhouette
of the sovereign sitter

the egg-like purple sitter
who sits in a nest of lavender twigs
and blue flame
and stares dumbly
at the shit-brown skeleton
red-lipped and red-eyed

and the lion of green roads
descends on it all
the hammock is a kissing snore belt
you have new messages
inside the silhouette
of the rummaging tubular meander

Abaris, take up thy witch-arrow!


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Irrony Observes The Earthing.