Thursday, January 11, 2018

orange sunshine

as Great Ubu once said
it is the science of imaginary solutions!
which will lead you by the nose
to drink at the horse's mouth
that gift!
that fountain!

so odorous!
so rank!
oh i'm so very sure!
that the angels will stand aback
struck dumb
by its glory!

while the rest of us
get flushed
with the rest of this
crap shoot gumbo...

and so then orange sunshine
went out into all the lands
but it was as if a primordial ooze

was lurching
in a spasm

the old hoar's round surface
was aglitter
with an ograsm
a chasm
of spasms

and we wept bitterly
within the inertia
of a cosmic stupidity


façon de vivre
tu es mordre

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