Wednesday, April 24, 2019


do rill a do rill a
noop sax hup sack
the thin membrane
between this world
and this world
we blondes stick together
because we are oozing
adhesive there is no way
i'm getting back into that
democracy with you
until you've shaved off
this enormous hair
peacock cocoon that's
been plaguing me
thin snaky transparent
raccoon faced
jelly eel angels make
a curtain a flopping wall
of tassels like
in an automated car-wash
but each jelly raccoon eel
angel is passing a hard candy
centaur toy which has a
little impression that reads
'jazz hard bop to 2050'
and i could bathe
in hard candy centaurs
if i had any arms or legs
but i'm a series of line segments
flung out into do rill a dill
rooroo a lilla dooroo
sasa a rooroo a rilla do rilla
a rillaroo a dilladoo
a chonqablonquette
black holes goof hard
on our scale
and walk with the scale
walk with tea organ
storm blow
storm catastrophe
heaven overhaul
picaresque piebald
gorilla centipede vagabond
wearing a crown
of leather thong
liquor bottles
packed with teeming

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.