Wednesday, April 24, 2019

together in the absence of togetherness

those 12 hours
gasp or depend
to the high zoroasti's
cliff coral of sleep
those 12
each one
a little alfred jarry
bicycling around a pear
on an ourobouri leaf
braising rabbits in a rau
a fu of zanzibari rose
from the wine
where the fountain's mouth
wasn't just no good
but positively

some bohemian kid
in the photograph again
it's standing beside
the grasshopper's
huge egg packet
drenched in honey

there's a yeti 29 foot tall
who's climbed the gateway arch
in saint louis
wearing a decent sized
thatched roof cottage
for a hat and three weird
little kids are inside
controlling his mind
with a magic albino crab
with blue spots
that looks like it's made
from space ceramic
hovering in blue flame

and these are the
noises jesus makes
as he sleeps
curled up between
ophelia's breasts
as she floats down
the river

on these 12 hours
down the river
mal waldron
ten shades of blue
force sphaeringu gavelina
massive cloud invasion
broken by the crisp patients
wasps stuck together by the eyes-in-hours
sheets fancied and knotted by the
the thin pale plate like crystals
used as paddles where the
which clincer hour cames
alfred jarry in witch hat smokestack
finding a very unfit teacher of physics
an unworthy vessel
the hours are dinosaurs
delicate thigh thistles
in which the cave people
repose musing preponderant
pteranodon graphologies
of weird wanderings
all the various ways
of connecting hands

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