Wednesday, April 24, 2019

[command]: double the size of the altar

heinz fricke plastic tea horn
carriage trombone composer
grafe friedebal third growth fiesta
papier rule that they may
follow their generous
and admirable games
and that by this a general
and honest peace
shall be obtained
e_- your peace bal fiffofidia
stight on mensthent you
praise your woo Ii-bug jogad ku?
wende-dan the fourth of march
in 61 of course it is not foreseeable
when these hopes will be fulfilled
when the peace of Bal
will pour on the wounds
wounded and the roch are
gabu to sinbad sliced thinly
as willed by the high catoptrick
old rena's rod wagging
there were no more
paunchy privileged figures
modern geometry had found a way
of thematizing any figure
that defends the autonomy of noise
a pry-voo-lager benn bonn
on the landandscape
anacondathema mata mystorio
kantemerson squid to vivid
the herder's lnaguel folklore navel
a great and hollow sphere
and in those times
an acoustickal temple
built over 4 decades the mile hile
steel ball kilt leisure tea horn romance
kept herder's clones at bay
in a series of breeding stalls
playing beethoven through
seminal packets ala maatrie di legno
faust friedebal herder clone breeder
to refugee and spherical
noise autonomy
its example is the sonorous
silence paid for by the silenus
the archtutors of vanex
Σειληνός pood graven
its eigenvoice
its nose
is trapped with the satyrs
and enslaved to the cyclops
thus pursuing an antic parody
of the odyssey
this weird old animal
embodies a transcendent promise
to make a sound
like breaking branches

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