Wednesday, April 24, 2019

the blanket statements revolt

old gorse
the pipe locket timbre
when it goes to graz
hoof near eggwall
to which tame folds
for the brass
a celtic corpse temple
and african cannibal market
bhang bangala bentley
1759 kites cum coriander
lucian says demonax
the philosopher was here
but that the humor of his jokes
has faded

best not ivory hand
to which their yodel cannot
stir before ten
wherein the mason jodok chelion
lost legs in the storm
marvelling at the tempest's
purple neck the
figure flowing in spiky
cloud lavender

and pain (proud delivery)
the ropes and condiments
forever tugging
this rugged leather nipple bonnet's
and if ear is not tidal pool
glowing ruminant sausage golem
later pahpatzoa speaking
in luminous caviar said:

the creepy old chinese
chemist's laboratory
had a leaky roof
zhang daoling
was thinking of you
out there in the wind and rain
raving in ragged wrappings

a golem kite's
randomly rearranged
body angle surfaces
are flexible video paper
in the fountain
a young slum
an excess materiality
comprising the entire

bread is hollowed out
and exposed in the prairie
the dim spongy recess
makes each transparent
yeast eyeball lexicon
an equal part of
the structural chorus

then the grass tongue
goes in there
to lay down
a wavy green cassichene
of dumb jigo
an expiring obstringo
floating gull-like
amid the curved

lately neraksturojamajam
forgive me spots
are drinking on the wall
in the pattern of the carpet

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.