Monday, April 22, 2019

cavorting in the valley of light and shadow

there now in the pink
and gelatinous manger
lies the hawk babe horus
with a cybernetic implant
swimming in a gravy
made of old car commercials
hairspray and legal notes

his monocle
and his cheek scar slash
they comfort him
in the long ride
on the monorail
to the lost and hidden base
of the alien spaghetti medusas
whose dog-like human handlers
wear chic and patterned
dayglo scuba attire

delicate rubbery sandals
and green glass all glass

and all is green
and slow
in its unwinding
the thin wheels of film
threading helix all the time
image light code replace
moving all the time

there are some figural
black iron shapes
hung with shaggy patches of gold
and they are no longer
puzzle pieces
though twisted
and everlasting
the pi shy hole
as writ

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