Monday, April 22, 2019

door gold

the rope is fat
and where the hinges descend
spiral staircases blossom
wending around the polar pegs
and into the scissor-locking dovetails
corneal 5 to 8
and schism-legate 3 to 7
wu is vast and the circuitry
of penmanship is a great need
when angular tiled and tilted foundation stones
are hollowed out
by heavy face-boring jade tigers

this skin symbol is warming into chariv

door gold
if thing were-are changed in moving space
enter the exit
by bok your mal time
by eye-box
by round room and sphere-room
with bearing floor
with tilting wheel
and the transparent metal glue of your hands
the rope is fat
and the languor
is seafood space city

ray connecting primitive

open up its skin into data
you will it already
open all eyes
one row then another
this is idealism
and the management and creation
of desire
desire if sole content
you describe it
is the heavy radiation of nothing
existentialism and pla-tête-ctonics

is the fox a building
or is the fox building (itself)
or is the fox building (foxness growing)

door gold is the prison of freedom
it is
instead of nothing
even in the face of knowing
that the something is merely a species
of nothing
and one that exists
to perpetuate an architecture of suffering
whose rooms are lined
with the lilt of joy
anger / betrayal
and kindness
a thousand svelte ornaments
with infinite names
and twisting lupins

all the emotions are building now
to a neverending
and never final
no conclusion

which is an explosion
of unknowing
(bright with genius design)

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