Monday, April 22, 2019

dove nougat credenza

long-playing burl ivy
would you
could you
water-curtain ordain mitre nitre
crescendo bleak apotheosis of hope
fell wood
the chamfered ledge composites'
babbling low pile
the diagonal herringbone
of its houndstooth
balustrade aporia
and the upheavals of lizard
within the patterns of its wallpaper
where capillaries of lightning
conjoin the muntin to the newel
by means of a jeweled caravan
whose washed innards have been dried
and scraped
the fine powders and capes
poured molten into floors
and allowed to slant round in a conical
to the hole where the general mouth
of the system does all the eating
singing and shitting
the place around which the kissing
dove nougat is gathered
by the golems of gumb
and enthroned
upon this divan of wonders
this soft road exploding auto-gordian
as an artfully sliced calligraphic
nogging of tubules
rotating virtually within the cells
of the prison garden prism studio
the deep nougat smothering
innliest harken for sense itch sense
this religion of the grotesque
relies heavily on a pedestrian
reading of language
as a non-orientable surface
of tessellated dove nougat credenzas
upon which several hand-carved
walnut grasshopper dining tables
wood U
cooed yew
and to the long-playing burl ivy
and din of isses

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