Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Dumb as a Rock in the Lazy Hell

Decorate flowers at home
Beautiful land, favorecerberator
The unprecedented intensive growth
Of vegetables, attitulabarisia
Big eyes and issues.

Deep and fraudulent
There are many new birds to come,
Is there a sun on their wings?
Are there branching gill wing trees
growing from my salamander's head?

In the garden in July
The blue bird, its big fish coalescing
Hot and cold; most insects in the sky
Look to happiness, then go to summer
And dress my strawberries avec meller
Meller meller milieu.

Goo vista serurista
I goo vista globular lavender butress
Reconforming as globular balustrade:
"It's alimentary my dear Aspen."
All gosh gone vague among the hyle...

Peter Pecker
Will never loom as large
As that distended exoplanet,
And loom, too
Will loam ala auctorablam!

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.