Wednesday, April 17, 2019

fish feet, monkey hands

forced again or relax
and view the distant purple animal
whose legs cup the water
whose legs shelter the kidney water's
own native taj mahal
the saddle for the blue bean

do you feel it?
the purple animal releases a small vomit
into the green boat (the purple antler pilot dances there)
and how does the boat hang perfectly?
describe the angle of the boat
as it loads (silently vomit)
sitting still on the river
which follows the angle of the pyramid:

What is your name?
Mokupuni'u'uku (it comes from the top of the pyramid)

Because I wanted more and more
of mea'e mea'e

but there was a password problem

what is yours?

and then hopena'ino
the elegant pizza
fingers this, our flower dance

these men and women
took the lyspholt oath to brendan..

What is your review?

another year, another boo?
Click a button below.

there are so many projects now
I am ho'ohui'ia
the hopeless one

the pizza

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.