Monday, April 22, 2019


i guess i don't get it
i believed in orbs
replicating orbs the sole
mirror vibration boundary
rendering production
of a vocabulary incident
with mechanistic possibility
the all-encompassing between
faced toward the actual range
of the imaginal formed in the charts
as we know them and do knot *

grow them/

please be feed to orbs
you will
i guess
i do not digest
in the camera
our mouths remain
each incident
of the grain
the woofte or wev-teeving
ik-knistle theet

i guess i don't get being part of the surface
ingesting surface vectors
exhaling topological

highly articulated surface quanta remain
and all the remains will ever be (ever not be)
(they waver) are
highly articulated surface quanta i guess
i don't get it
you are nailed down to one thin slice
of space and time
and yet you dream that as monad
instead of as 'the digested one'
i believe in orbs
replicating orbs the sole
mirror vibration boundary
rendering production
of language cut off

/grow them

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