Tuesday, April 23, 2019

if a crocodile loves a donkey it puts on a wig

the ass forms a skin
that completely covers
the sane derrière
but are we opposites
or elephants

it's plain now the jackass
is in the air itself
and the denizens of creed
lead our mutosis
asinus asinus
what is the true hiding
ford word at withering

what revels come lazy
down to the village
the dwarf seneb wrote
in his mastaba
somewhat cryptically
12017 donkeys

now we know
that donkey-headed omens
put on their elongating noses
to the tribes
wooden pinnochio wears
a living donkey chinbeard

For I have heard that speech
which the donkey together
with the tom-cat uttered
in the house of the great opening
of the mouth

backwards maga son of seth!
the finger of the 77 donkey gods
is in your eyes while you are bound
to the great landing-pole

what revels come
may wood
the water seems to be
may wood

the roles some asses play
in the various traditions
are at times contradictory

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