Friday, April 19, 2019

liber impedite

the thwarting is spread out uniformly
engulfing the history of every molecule
ever formed and is the basis for
a paradox of perception

every perception is a thwarting
of some other form of itself

reality is always a tree
always a logic diagram
always a map of itself
as a lived action
carrying its own residues
into the mapping of the next

freedom thwarts bondage
until freedom is perceived as a bondage
until the 'given form of freedom' becomes sufficiently
complex that the organs of its agreed upon body
are no longer recognized as functional agents
of extropian maintenance and relabeled as
pools or volumes of cancer

thwarting is spread out uniformly
perhaps many forms of freedom are imperfect
perhaps the tyranny of birth is itself
wholly suspect
the volume of the population an example of rogue programming
by long dead natural language codicils
priests of supplementary natural law

artists who envisioned dotted lines
extending from the contours of the stones
and the corpses
and the rages
of the ignorant mobs

the shames
of land dolphins
here to breathe the air
and kiss the leaves

of contingency's kissing and dancing ground

could be a manta queen
or a version of mercury
or a simple geometric theorem
of impossibility

that for everything that exists
or can be expressed
a two dimensional plane
must be able to access its being

in some frame
in some impedite frame
where only thwarting
is unbound

as prometheus
thwarted the firelessness

the lack of cream of funyun soup
hot steak
and gargalwhallas
thwarting dada
in wart masks

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