Tuesday, April 23, 2019

nooge vertisses notikt

log broken in the water
and original

closed definition
within the darkness
its red ivory letters

log separated into magic
before the fibers
which herald its construction
to the water underneath this

goals are ivory clad letters
whose sinews reveal
the naked connection
to spanning the gap
before each sound

logos grooms its own
and hones its strike
before the carom
and the neck
while thin and snaky
remains strong
flowing with razor thin parables
on the lift
culminating upon
the kalamos of calamity

alien cosines
crewed dust in my
mio meo myopia opine pina forte anno
this spain
in which all things attain
some groveling inquisition
toward affair
and then drown mutated
into sponge
or sprays
between two foamy hares

the sentences
are accreting faster
than they can be spoken

mimées émettre
les vestiaires et le terrain
pour s'exprimer

let's wander among
the african soccer players
calling out
to unknown and dreaming
in the nearby
eye music

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