Monday, April 22, 2019

the mooning tart would move

and if history hearsays
the schlepping then=well
the upright edible sieve
should be drawn out beyond
the mouse shaped milk mountain
accidents before the golden throne
of the tongue miser's curse
however miracle ran bled day skin
swine-hoe's storm petrel depth
the alveoli to lay in the individual
characters turned on their own
invisible axes of intelligibility
monoica ullas thing pelt radiation
the bullae of the delphic charm tunnel
restricts your arm fur trinkets
as you descend into the shallow
well warm sour fluss
games the gametes tow with their
nut flute barge of wasp-faced cobras
the pinnacle laps the tart's drag marks
how shy is the moon to its own aria
all invective engines the fuel and fuels
the engines the land is a cycling wave
in a borrow

tight eyes
weeling clamp
and caressal and oily
stout egg
any fact is omen opened
the western wormsnake meakes
a miniature its head
a triceratops mufon hued
in the shagbark hickory
gloat like a parrot in the dome of loam
and for a moment
the pungent radish
held sucking
to its dreaming temple
eyes open and close
with a schlepping
potentilla morphonitidus repandum

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