Tuesday, April 23, 2019

tube problematic behavior

kale male postal butter
tabs the derelict progeny
of the adamant cud
adam newborn and perfect
as a fruit knight
arcimboldo as imagined by botticelli
eve the great star
before all cephaloam
and the spider that processes
all being
fondue postal butter flaps
raggedy nugget buggy
kale put folding letters
in the sharps bin
with the other dangerous

now lift
elbows tied together
knees gifted to pits
and jeremy bentham
cloned as a puppet
kale standing up to the horizons
to the poles
to the gnawing bacterial generals
before becoming
the unique sea
(a before of the first mountain)
the heavy milk clod
(from which some strange monkey
might burst out) o perfect
i clod too [stand before a kale]
by the old machine house [as a letter]
here in punta arenas

thin sheets of gold
may be passed in letters
around the ocean
for no reason

wading heavily
jeremy dance wild brick
Ottilie in woo
to the kincept


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