Friday, April 19, 2019

where stye-myth of the metal eye would

o talp we
o talplon we hoo geroan
in apiplog


brass curtains form
and in their soft and sentimental glow
soma world peace magnets gloam
depressed magnet sofas
are porcupined in arrows opining


and the brass curtains spake then
what i have to say is not popular today
this truth i burnish and perfume with
existence caveat the romantic
coral throne
sat empty
thinking alone
on its community
of languaged branching
the logic performing like a pattern
on the scum


which kips the cop its hedgerow's
bridegroom's feelers
their womb cabinet's
slow lava dance floor railing
ab annister stirring
ringlets of the froth
becoming new chairs
their scribbling quill legs thin
inbounded and throbbing
with athwartall
all chilldread of brass soma curtains
in the sentimental glow
of the narrnarren
the narrat
and the narrathogolem


gomi din weed dew pellet alter
ab tologia to you haul!
haul it through
haul your base brass mask bum-dreet bull
your gondola of vibrating
and interconnecting cymbal fish lenses
through the curr tainted glap
this go glap
where the lutt and dirk
glooth foo
and be
a gamminthird
and a toll foot miracle
browned on a pinkening
newts stretched radially
in a spherical manner
and leaving the ornament
great dull mantas!
bristling with flexible antennae..

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.