Wednesday, April 17, 2019


these swine they wer pore borne
and deric and in the lyoness atlantis
they skinned their whittli-sissiles to a satyr's
drum stone chin where its tripod tail
would read the fog chains in the hissygrith
a petrified forest distributes lammy
in the whiskey crosses
i give them no fat for battle
but only wax where the hollow thunder tongues
lay out their rags for the riggs to sample
hey iron goal
hey guppied kinker pot rotling
these buy their in the till hee bods
woud yn in on ur oon nur narr
mirromare' ousia clapping the shielf dot dote dottage
blaring din
bleary dinner
and high kite dread for normal chess
all the colors giet divvi to the blacki
all the collors trome vrarillis
give diet geeth its gname
these swine of dogs the wine
ifn yn ungorl weet it deen dyne
a pore is high on arth
and borne to wissiles
while it scrapes its tong
on the hully stones
gas flowing freely
in its creveech
a bul

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