Friday, April 19, 2019

great things are in store for us all

at the black windmill
the strange silent
and twisted statue
of don quixote
was given to porphyry
such that the knotted limbs
the slack face
and the arched and snake-like back
cacall came fall against the rank
of the season
its ack cumulancy as in the type of machine
whose parts operate together
without ever touching one another
as we do
the carvers still live there
in the dark

there may be a dark green
pine scented candle in the cubbard
where the army lake to arm chin
their shadows got too strange
too bare
among other things they did
so sorry professor
but the stairs as creakers
could not sancho correctly
as the wind through the stars
they call it impedance
and all architecture
supp stupp sup

or the general purposes committee
which met very near
the little brass bell on the hobnailed door
come in come in whoever you are
bodies are woven into everything here
and everythis is thinged by bodies
here are in the in ring carry all out
but commie kelly curry major talon
what happens when the general comes back?

as bastard
and shell
of shellfish
as saint
a saint
of loquaciousness
of stranger numbers
than you may imagine

your unique cells
and the unique amount of calcium
which forms the cash register
for the school
which lounges cat-like

under the camouflage
of the alice blonde haired

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