Friday, April 19, 2019

Synapsida Verifax

i had to work up
some defenses against
charming royal frogs
the red ice of their myths
was closing in around
my trust fund clan's
high ivory tower pitching station
a lone deer carries a spinning wheel
mounted on a fork
which is mounted on a saddle
there are some african glass beads
the deer wears in a heavy
colorful necklace
each spoke must have been turned
on an ancient anxious lathe
we are bizarre
draped in our savage languages
another day of cream of ivory soup
we kept curr calendar ivories croon
from our dish-tailed moon banquets
these are the dishes that slither
and reflect
these are the dishes that stammer
and glow
and et cetera
i had to work up some different
procedural forms
which would allow me not
to taste the frog kissing cool
of all these long and mythic days
among the improbables
the malachites coming close into view
so that i could field the grandeur
of their historic battles
lines against lines
contours invading contours

the emerald journey
is from and to awe
along the longing hinterings

mass is amorphous
and every living and unliving thing
from sun to saki
and from dole to douroucouli
is both a wall
and a flaw in the wall
and no savage language
can tell betwixt
and this is why the ivory grows here

ogive gothic
far away
and deep in the silence
of the noise
of this local cumulative
frequency graph
george crumb
the plasmacytoid dendritic cell
sitting quietly
at the first performance
of echoes of time
and the river

thinking about time
in the midst of time

that once

drag on
drag on
ye burney relief
ye sirach of the kept

for if music (frogs) can not heal you
it will certainly
do you in

this dragon is laying
for the savage friend
the null cipher who hides
in the everywhere



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