Monday, April 22, 2019


runt dong
woo shoe
your eye ties
dung to the matte
where the hock shop's
neon GAA blinks over
and over and over and over
and the feeling is
in the slanting underground
concrete cosmic system
of tunnels
that a heavy vibration
behind a glass wall is reminding you
of a strange watermelon
with leathery crenellations
brain handles of wavering
heavy green dull lenses
of you mouthing the word 'morphology'
after a natural disaster
when in sublime recognition of the world
and in physical duress
you noticed
for the first time
the tiny blood bee
crimson red
and fluffy and light
zipping around in the watery
of the firetrucks and fallen buildings
and having attached itself to your inner arm
you attended in a different period
with your ghost grandfather
a ritual for tourists
involving cachaça
a devil mask
a skeleton suit
a long row of dark children
and the little boy
whose thigh had a skin growth
whose hard crusty texture
was cucumberlike / no
the fiombonana fiombonana fiombonana
is thrice thrice thrice

striated saturnine
and pelt covered in polished stones
along the wide eaves
we waded in the strange
cattailed garden
whose statues were mouthing us out
these dripping beads everywhere
these beads of blue 20 mile ebony
gushing over the twilight's hammock

the ghastly mangled memory
of a word
still holding on
and yanking out its name
at the mike
blind and drooling saying
'i want to be said'

a verse of touring
the thin highly detailed column
set to bend like a bow
and the flow of callistans
through the hide
quotation venus

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.