Monday, April 22, 2019

the callow nude

even say hurray
to the faun as bookcase
for who grasps the thin outlines
than an object itself unburdened
from the purposes of others
than usual
as tithe the burden of itself
hurray is that code
the genetic platform
of animal and plant
take back their craft from the rudder
and the accident
the old emperor's
distant and imported marbles
scattered to the ends of the earth
and back in their homes
at the beginning
it cannot be said
as the shelf is itself
formed by stacking
the trees
the brass
and the pyramids
which lend their gist
are aever say even
within the great work
of combination
for what it says is true of all voices
that orphanage
of severed emissions that had
begun to live like a human being
but never as one

aeven saw your ray
and that the golden house was designed
as a place of entertainment
whatever that means
when natural contingency
is mirrored in political vicissitudes
when plant and animal
and stone
shake hands
over a mute emblem
of meaning


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