Monday, April 22, 2019

succès de scandale

the woodblock is titillating
when the rosy blade cuts
the chief is dead
cacti move upon the citadel
and jade is the wile
upon the universal and stern
female plot device
mushrooms invade the steam
where the engines languor
turning into one another
before the baleful eye
of the inside out catfish in which
two metal hogsnoses are conjoined
for glue before the azure color
of their thin soft ears which drape
your molting and interchangeable
shoulders of loping urns these
high heads are annoying in
their low browed monoverses
their sky-clad supernova bunnies
their snaky mists which run out
panting in the black sand until
the endless beach of images
folds up its musical saw
and munches whole home gomi
lantern jester puppets
light the way
with what is all orifice traffic
upon the great and tantamounth
surface (chimeristry)

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.