Monday, April 22, 2019

the glouchjesterspeech

with disconabing wintertent this now
my chaos cow is a glorious sun the bosom
deep cloud animal uprisings bound
with wreath brows their breathing bruises
teem with caperlutes hung with alarum arum
and guze the delightful of sprinkling monumental
looking-glass-fright in that all eyes are rudely stamped
and all things if they be a thing would to a disconabing
hunchback crow these hear sings hathaway to its imagesty
mist that it exists at all and is not bride tongue sat still
but wherry aim cull kiss this hacked till where the fall play
wintertent to the summer's war that faces a wrinkled skin
to descant on my own uniformity proven villain if weeping
the since spy just its scarce made up pleasure libels
in deadly hate the one against the other subtle
false and treacherous all the others of the same
weak link which says in wholly care less wanther
"i am that prophecy which says G" but more
succinctly bead in olive wares toward the violin
I am g hiamguth and the gulltherring winthertant
thay that weaird beast spens ap its saysons
and lows to the grilles its wan and those will
fit too there is a multitude of potentional places
to interlockings

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